Sunday, 21 December 2014


                            POSITION AND PROJECT

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Formulate a simple brief that include appropriate architectural programme and planning within a selected architectural context
  2. Analyse case studies to gain understanding of architectural responses and strategies of an intentional design strategy to inform the design project
  3. Conduct contextual and user analysis in the pre-design phase


Learning Outcomes:

  1. Produce design development drawings with a suitable level of complexity
  2. Design with considerations of building performance (thermal comfort,
    acoustic and lighting), regulatory frameworks, health and safety
  3. Produce drawings (both 2D and 3D), modelling, verbal presentation and a design report to communicate and visualize architectural design and ideas


Module Synopsis:

“Any Management Activity that introduces a new objective or causes change and has a definite
start and finish time is a project” – BS 6079 (2002): Project Management
This module’s aim is to develop management skills for the students in the ever growing subject called Project
Management. It has always been practiced informally, but began to emerge as a distinct profession in the midTwentieth
Century.The students will learn about organization structures in a construction project as well as roles and responsibilities of all parties in the project. Students will be exposed to the principles, techniques and managerial concerns which form the processes of Project Management. The area of study will focus in particular on project
management in a construction context as well as the broader aspects in other fields of commercial and business
activities to emphasis the encompassing applicability of the principles. Building Information Modelling (BIM), the fast growing tool in the Construction Industry will be introduced as a process management technique to translate design projects in a well-mapped dimension beyond 3-D. Project Management as the application of knowledge, skills and techniques to execute projects effectively and efficiently using strategic competency for organizations, enabling them to connect project results to business goals is the way to better compete in their markets.

Module Learning Outcomes:
  1. To appreciate the roles and functions of project participants and the organizational forms which occur.
  2. To develop an awareness of the form and influence of leadership in the project process and the relationshipto a project’s success.
  3. To understand the application of management techniques in the control and direction of project resources.
  4. To evaluate the dynamic changes which occur during a project‘s life cycle and the nature of a project’ssuccess.
  5. To understand the means of evaluating success and failure in a project’s performance.

                             MODULAR CONSTRUCTION

    Learning Outcomes:

    1. Apply Project Management Tools and Techniques to control and communicate the Design.
    2. Summarise strategies for the execution of the development process in response to the client's objectives.
    3. Define project characteristics, objectives, organisations and success.

                             SIZED PROJECT

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Summarise strategies for the execution of the development process in response to the client’s objectives.
  2. Define project characteristics, objectives, organisations and success.


Module Synopsis

The aim of this subject is to provide the opportunity for students to apply the principles, practices and skills of construction technology into the process of documenting their design projects. Students are exposed to a variety of drawings such as submission drawings as required by authorities, relevant by-laws; as well as technical drawings, to develop their design project technically in the course of the proper execution of a project. Therefore, while students are not expected to have a complete knowledge of all the processes and drawing requirements by the end of this course, they must at least be familiar with the fundamental concepts of the different types and stages of working drawings in the construction industry, as well as the standard conventions and formats which apply for drawings, schedules, specifications, technical diagramming and other relevant forms of documentation.

Module Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
1. Identify and apply visual communication methods (technical drawing and terminology) clearly and
effectively to convey their design ideas and proposals from final architectural design project.
2. Apply the practices and procedures of working drawings development.
3. Develop an understanding of the general nature, principles and procedure of law and legislation,
particularly Building By-laws; and its relationship to working drawings through producing a complete set
of building submissions of architectural studio 5.
4. Develop and design architectural details for their design project.
5. Produce schedule of finishes, built up area, door and windows.
6. Develop an on-going architectural design project technically and make it buildable.


Learning Outcomes:

  1. Apply visual communication methods (technical drawing and terminology) to clearly and effectively convey their design ideas and proposals from architectural design project.
  2.  Apply the practices and procedures of working drawings development.
  3. Develop an understanding of the general nature, principles and procedure of law and legislation,
  4. Particularly Building By-laws; and its relationship to working drawings.Develop and design details for their design project.
  5. Produce plans drawings for submission to the various authorities in accordance to the authorities’ requirement


Learning Outcomes:

  1. Produce detailed drawings of floor plans, section , elevations and site plan of their design
  2. Produce schedule of finishes, built-up area, doors and windows
  3. Produce a complete set of building plans submissions of their design that complies with building by-law


Module Synopsis:
The portfolio is the single most important document, record, and indication of the standard, competency, and
interests of the individual designer/architect/student. It is locally, nationally, and internationally used for entry into
design/architecture programs, postgraduate study, and for entry into the profession and private practice.
The module will assist students in preparing and presenting their portfolios both verbally and visually. The
module will be presented in the form of a studio with lectures, workshops, tutorials, student presentations and
critique, and class discussion.
The portfolio is a reconciliation of all streams within the program, (architecture design studios, technology and
building environment studies, cultural, artistic and social studies, communication and professional studies) and is
intended as a holistic mean of assessment of a student’s achievements; it should be in no means construed as a
remedial class, a purely graphics or packaging exercise, or a reassessment of past design studios.
The student will demonstrate through the verbal and visual presentation of the portfolio that he/she can
consciously determine a direction for his/her work, and assume responsibility for his/her continuing education.
Module Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
1. Develop and distinguish a personal design statement and direction
2. Strategize and organize the necessary resources (effective time management, application of software,
etc.) for the production of a personal portfolio
3. Produce a compiled document of works that succinctly highlights the student’s personal design

statement, acquired skills and intellectual capacities


Learning Outcomes:
Produce a compiled document of works that succinctly highlights the student’s personal design

Objectives of Project:
To introduce proficiencies and skills required in the production and design of a personal portfolio.


Saturday, 12 July 2014


Module Synopsis:

Architecture Design Studio 5 [ARC 3118] focuses on the theme of place-making for the urban street. It aims to explore and provide appropriate architectural solutions in designing a market-place for the city’s inhabitants. Students will begin by conducting preliminary studies in that introduces them to the studies and context of urbanity through the analysis and documentation of the current urban condition of a selected inner-city site. This will be done in concurrence with the research of urban infill and market-place precedents, and their architectural responses. By the end of the module, students will have developed an appropriate scheme for an urban contemporary market-place within a dense inner-city street environment that takes into consideration an understanding of applicable current legislation, building technologies and cultural imperatives of the site and its surroundings.

Module Learning Outcomes:
  1. Analyze the site character and identify conditions of the urban streetscape and urban behavioural patterns.
  2. Analyze case studies to gain understanding of architectural response for urban infill sites to inform the design project.
  3. Analyze case studies to gain understanding of the role and spatial programming of a market-place in an urban setting.
  4. Demonstrate the fundamental knowledge of Design Codes and Regulations. 
  5. Design within the constraints of feasibility and in response to design codes and statutory requirements. 
  6. Produce plan-section and elevational studies to explore and resolve relevant aesthetic, construction and environmental issues in the design development phase.
  7. Produce a design outcome for an urban contemporary market-place that encompasses the appropriate site-specific architectural responses through its formal, cultural, legislative, structural and environmental design solutions.
  8. Produce drawings (both 2D and 3D), models and presentations to verbally and visually communicate architectural ideas and scheme.


Learning Outcomes:

  1. Conduct case studies and site analysis to generate an understanding of the physical and cultural context and development of urban environments 
  2. Determine and describe the role of a market-place in a contemporary urban setting 
  3. Examine and establish appropriate architectural responses and strategies for designing within an urban infill site 
  4. Produce necessary documentation (diagrams, mappings, photographic images, orthographic drawings and models) to record and communicate site analysis findings, and for further use in the coming design stages 

Site Model
Site Analysis
Site Analysis
Site Analysis
Site Analysis
Site Analysis
Site Analysis

Precedent Studies

Precedent Studies


Learning Outcomes:
  1. To take into consideration key aspects of urban design and context in relation to architecture 
  2. To develop an awareness and basic compliance to Design Codes and Statutory Requirements 
  3. To emphasize the importance of elevational context and composition in developing architectural design 
  4. To implement and explore the conceptual, schematic and design development phases in an architectural design project

Presentation Board 
Presentation Board

Physical Model

Physical Model
Physical Model

Friday, 11 July 2014


Module Synopsis:
In this module students will be exposed to a more extensive study of building construction by investigating the latest and more advanced technology and practice of the industry; from site analysis to all the advanced 
construction systems, energy efficiency, waste management, embodied energy as well as the latest construction methods. In addition it also intends to expose students to the study of construction through case studies of existing buildings and applying the construction methods and systems of the building into their own design while addressing the issues pertaining to ecological impact.

Module Learning Outcomes:

  1. Identify and collect relevant research data.
  2. Explain a set of architectural and structural documentation.
  3. Relate basic structural elements and structural principles in construction.
  4. Analyse and document construction methods and materials
  5. Evaluate existing construction system and detailing of the selected project.
  6. Critique issues pertaining to construction principles, materials, techniques, codes of practice, process of assembly, and detailing.
  7. Critique issues pertaining to energy efficiency, embodied energy as well as ecological impact.
  8. Generate alternative construction solutions by means of sketches and drawings. 

PROJECT 1 : DESIGN MODIFICATION &                                                          DOCUMENTATION

Learning Outcomes:
  1. Identify and collect relevant research data. 
  2. Explain a set of architectural and structural documentation. 
  3. Relate basic structural elements and structural principles in construction. 
  4. Analyse and document construction methods and materials 


Learning Outcomes:

  1. Identify and collect relevant research data. 
  2. Evaluate existing construction system and detailing of the selected project. 
  3. Critique issues pertaining to construction principles, materials, techniques, process of assembly and detailing. 
  4. Critique issues pertaining to energy efficiency, embodied energy as well as ecological impact.